═══ 1. Introduction ═══ November 1993 Volume 1 Number 6 Note: The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views held by the MMOUG or it's members. Don't agree with something you've read here? Write and tell us about it! ═══ 2. Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group ═══ The MMOUG meets on the third Wednesday of each month, meeting at the Columbia IBM office on even months and at the Jefferson City office on odd months. Click below for more information. November Meeting Details on MMOUG ═══ 2.1. November Meeting Announcement ═══ When: November 17, 1993 at 4 PM Where: Jefferson City IBM Office (See directions) Activities: OS/2 and the Local Area Network. Novell, Lan Server, Lan Manager 1.3, and others. Directions: Jefferson City IBM Office One Elm Plaza Jefferson City, MO 65101 314-634-0200 From Columbia: Highway 63 South to Highway 54 West (across the bridge) to (be careful, this is still a dangerous intersection) Highway 50 East. Go through lights at MO. Blvd, Broadway, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe Take the CLARK AVENUE exit off of Highway 50. Turn right onto Clark Ave, THEN make an almost immediate left onto ELM Street. Take Elm Street to IBM. IBM will be on the left. Eastland Highway / Patrol Elm Street McDonalds________ HQ ________________ | IBM\___________/ | |______________________________________________\_______ Highway 50 Clark Ave Exit Thanks to Gary Pool for providing these directions. ═══ 2.2. MMOUG Information ═══ Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group Current Officers: Phillip Wilson - President Diane Kehl - Vice President Robert Shelley - Treasurer Shawn Frazier - Membership Secretary David Finch - Recording Secretary Woody Sturges - BBS Officer Dale Hackemeyer - Information Officer Official MMOUG BBS: OS/2 Woodmeister - (314) 446-0016 (1:289/27) Jeff City Point - (314) 634-0393 (MMOUG Members only) MMOUG Mailing Address: Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group P.O. Box 30645 Columbia, MO 65205-0645 MMOUG Internet E-mail Address: uc545502@mizzou1.missouri.edu ═══ 3. Presidential Corner ═══ Happy Turkey Month All, Well it looks like November and December are going to really be exciting months for OS/2 enthusiasts. Keep your eye out for Comdex! We have added a new section to formally thank those vendors who have been so kind as to donate a copy or copies of their software for use as door prizes for User Group members. And we can't thank you enough. We (the officers and I) are trying to organize a Xmas meeting. There will be more details in the November meeting. If you have any suggestions or would like to help, please contact Diane Kehl or myself on the Woodmeister BBS. On a side note I had to opportunity last month to attend the Kansas City OS/2 SIG meeting and I was really impressed with the way they have started off. I wish them all the luck and continued sucess. By the way we ARE making progress with those vendors who are sitting on the fence regarding products we like to use. Keep asking them (In a NICE way) I think they will come around. Take Care and Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Phillip Wilson President, Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group ═══ 4. A Bit of Humor ═══ Here's some OS/2 and NT humor from James Jones on the comp.os.os2.advocacy newsgroup. From the home office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Top Ten ways to spot an OS/2 fanatic: 10. Will only drink coffee from an OS/2 mug. 9. When forced to use a DOS machine, constantly hitting ALT-ESC and cursing. 8. Tries in vain to get the right mouse button to work in Windows. 7. Tells spouse, "Not tonight, I'm multitasking." 6. Giggles uncontrollably when overhearing DOS users talk of QEMM woes. 5. Carries around 3-page hard copy of CONFIG.SYS. 4. Constantly hounding hardware manufacturers for OS/2 drivers. 3. Walks, chews gum, and reads "OS/2 Unleashed" all at the same time. 2. Writes letters to MacUser and AmigaWorld asking for more OS/2 coverage. And the number one way to spot an OS/2 fanatic: Replaced "Baby on Board" sign with "Honk if you love OS/2!" Top Ten reasons why you should buy Windows NT over OS/2: 10. NT is bigger, so it must be better! 9. None of that silly object-oriented stuff. 8. For only $295, you too can be an NT beta tester! 7. Good excuse to buy that bigger hard drive you've been wanting. 6. Now you can run all those 32-bit NT apps! 5. Never worry about wearing out that right mouse button. 4. No confusing shadows to get in the way. 3. Cheating not allowed in NT Solitaire. 2. Two words: File Manager. And the number one reason you should buy Windows NT over OS/2: Bill Gates could really use the money. James A. Jones ═══ 5. Software Showcase ═══ TreeSize BootOS2 ═══ 5.1. TreeSize ═══ TreeSize Review By Woody Sturges TreeSize is an archive that contains both DOS and 32bit OS/2 versions of an excellent directory size lister. The program can be used to determine which directory groups are the big 'space eaters' on your hard drives. The application lists all the subdirectories for a given path, their absolute size (their size, including the byte count for any lower subdirectories), the percentage relative to their parent directory, and the percentage relative to the physical disk size. Here's an example of what the output looks like: TreeSize2/32 - The fabulous TreeSize now with 32bit power -- (c) I.C.E. feat. Wolf Jones --------------------------- base directory C:\ bytes %rel %abs directory absolute ---------------------------------------------------------- 408252468 0.00% 68.07% C: 1789824 0.44% 0.30% C:\APPS 1085852 60.67% 0.18% C:\APPS\OS2 313386 28.86% 0.05% C:\APPS\OS2\BAK 38122 3.51% 0.01% C:\APPS\OS2\QUEST1 15947964 3.91% 2.66% C:\BINKLEY 0 0.00% 0.00% C:\BINKLEY\FILE 2462640 15.44% 0.41% C:\BINKLEY\INBOUND 440010 2.76% 0.07% C:\BINKLEY\MAIL 6585063 41.29% 1.10% C:\BINKLEY\NODELIST 1529626 9.59% 0.26% C:\BINKLEY\OUTBOUND 480465 31.41% 0.08% C:\BINKLEY\OUTBOUND\0121001B.PNT 0 0.00% 0.00% C:\BINKLEY\OUTBOUND.056 0 0.00% 0.00% C:\BINKLEY\OUTBOUND.SQ From the above, I can see that about 68% of my C: drive is being used. Of the 68% being used, 3.91% is being used by my Binkley mailer (and all it's subdirectories). Additionally, I can tell that Binkley (and it's subs) uses 2.66% of the actual drive space (my drive C: is 600M). This is a great shareware utility for anyone wanting to know 'just WHERE did all that disk space go?' TREESIZE.ZIP (22,671 bytes) can be found on the OS/2 Woodmeister, or the OWM JC Point in the High Level Utilities files area (area 9). ═══ 5.2. BootOS2 ═══ BOOTOS2 Review By Dale Hackemeyer BootOS2 is a terrific little app that lets you create bootable OS/2 systems from an existing OS/2 system. If you've ever tried to create a single OS/2 boot disk to replace the hassle of using your install disks to boot, you probably know just how hard that feat can be. BootOS2 lets you create not only bootable floppy disks, but you can even use it to create bootable hard disk partitions. BootOS2 has options to install only Presentation Manager or both PM and the Workplace Shell. And, if you have two floppy drives, you can you use it to create dual boot disks that don't require swapping. Normally one a single boot disk, you only have room for one extra utility (such as CHKDSK) besides the boot files. On a dual floppy system, you not only have room for extra utilities to help bail yourself out of trouble, you can even install REXX support! BootOS2 works with all versions OS/2 version 2, including 2.0, 2.0+SP, and 2.1, and can be found on the OS/2 Woodmeister BBS in the file BOOT2X.ZIP ═══ 6. OS/2 Tips & Techniques ═══ Sizing command prompts ═══ 6.1. Sizing command prompts ═══ Here's another hidden feature for all those people who like such things. Re-size a windowed command prompt with the shift key held down. Now close it by typing 'exit' (don't use system menu). Any further command prompts you open will now remember this size. Richard Giles    ═══ 7. New Products! ═══ OS/2 Software recently announced or released: Ready! For OS/2 RxFTP Power Translator Professional ═══ 7.1. Ready! For OS/2 ═══ Ready! For OS/2 Dear Developer of Applications for DOS, Windows or OS/2: Here's an opportunity to be part of a program I think you'll find very rewarding. IBM's "Ready! for OS/2" certification program has a great deal to offer. Whether you have a native OS/2 application, or a DOS or Windows application running on OS/2, you will benefit from certification. The "Ready! for OS/2" mark signifies: o association with the IBM name o instant recognition of product packaging o tie-in with IBM OS/2 advertising o exposure for your company at major trade shows o credibility for your bids and proposals The self-certification process is easy. Read through the enclosed brochure, and call if you have any further questions. You may fax or mail the reply card to get your package of certification materials. You can reach us at (800) 285-2936, outside the U.S. 1-407-982-6408, menu option 3. I look forward to your participation. Sincerely, Nancy-Jo Bischof Program Manager IBM Personal Software Products Software Developer Marketing Programs ═══ 7.2. RxFTP ═══ rxFtp - Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP Announcing the release of RxFTP - An OS/2 Rexx function package for TCP/IP FTP released to the IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Program. It should be available at software.watson.ibm.com in the very near future is the /pub/os2/os2ews directory. Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP FTP for OS/2 2.0 by Patrick Mueller, Clifford Nadler (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993. All rights Reserved. What is rxFtp? rxFtp is a REXX function package providing access to the OS/2 TCP/IP FTP API as provided by the IBM TCP/IP product, version 1.2.1. The function package assumes you know how to use the FTP program. The function names in the package closely resemble FTP subcommands. This function package requires the OS/2 TCP/IP product, version 1.2.1 or higher. A specific DLL for the OS/2 TCP/IP product, version 2.0, is included. Installation and removal The rxFtp rexx function package is contained in the file rxFtp.dll. This file needs to be placed in a directory along your LIBPATH. To get access to the functions in the rxFtp function package, execute the following rexx code: rc = RxFuncAdd("FtpLoadFuncs","rxFtp","FtpLoadFuncs") rc = FtpLoadFuncs() If you want to use the 32-bit FTP functions available in TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 2.0, rename the "rxftp32.dll" file to "rxftp.dll". You may not use both the 16-bit and 32-bit versions at the same time as they have the same function names. To unload the DLL, you should first call the FtpDropFuncs() function, then exit all CMD.EXE shells. After exiting all the command shells, the DLL will be dropped by OS/2 and can be deleted or replaced. ═══ 7.3. Power Translator Professional ═══ Globalink's Power Translator Professional Need to translate English into either French, German, or Spanish, or vice versa? The full-color, glossy brochure is too much to repeat here in its entirety, but here are some of the key features: o Simultaneous translation sessions using OS/2's multithreading capability o 32 bit, multitasking, multithreading system o Full-sentence, idiomatic accuracy (up to 90%) o 250,000+ word and phrase dictionaries o On-screen linking and display of related terms o Variable translation of prepositions o Word processor/desktop publishing compatible via text files o Word/phrase translation exclusion via simple highlight function o Automatic verb conjugation and pluralization o On screen editing of source of target text o Bidirectional translation o 20,000+ words per hour translation speed o Multiuser, network system o Free "800" number customer support Specialized subject dictionaries available: o Aviation [French], Aviation/Industrial [Spanish] o Business/Finance [French, Spanish] o Legal [Spanish, German] o Computer [French, Spanish] o Petroleum/Mining [Spanish] o Banking [German] o Brewing [German] o Telecommunications/Cable [German] System requirements: OS/2 version 2.0 or higher, 18 MB hard disk space per language. Globalink 9302 Lee Highway, 12th Floor Fairfax, Virginia 22031 Phone: 703-273-5600, 800-767-0035; Fax: 703-273-3866 ═══ 8. OS/2 Bookshelf ═══ Books useful to the OS/2 user: Real-World Programming for OS/2 2.1 OS/2 Programming ═══ 8.1. Real-World Programming for OS/2 2.1 ═══ Title: Real-World Programming for OS/2 2.1 Author: Derrel R. Blain, Kurt R. Delimon. Jeff English ISBN: 0-672-30300-0 Price: $39.95 Pub date: 1993 Contents: Programming for OS/2. OS/2 Application Window Fundementals. Window Management. 2.1 Common Dialogs. Menus. Presentation Spaces and Drawing. Creating and Manipulating PM Fonts and Text. Profile Management. Memory Management. Dynamic Link Libraries. Printing. Threads and Semaphores. Calling 16-bit Code. Communications Basics. Miscellaneous Topics. Index. ═══ 8.2. OS/2 Programming ═══ Title: OS/2 Programming Authors: Herbert Schlidt, Robert Goosey ISBN: 0-07-881910-5 Price: $29.95 Pub date: 1993 Contents: OS/2: An Overview. Fundementals of OS/2 Programming. Presentation Manager Programming Overview. Processing Messages. Message Boxes and Menus. Dialog Boxes. Control Windows. Icons and Graphics. An Introduction to Multitasking. Serialization and Inter-Process Communication. File I/O. Creating and Using Dynamic Link Libraries. Index. ═══ 9. Other Sources ═══ Other places to locate OS/2 information: OS/2 User Groups OS/2 BBS's OS/2 Internet Sites ═══ 9.1. OS/2 User Group Directory ═══ This OS/2 User Group listing is provided courtesy of David Sichak, Editor of the San Diego Users Group Newsletter. Thanks David! User Group Introduction Australia - Glen Waverly Ontario - Bailieboro Quebec - Montreal Saskatchewan - Regina United Kingdom - Gloucestershire South Africa Sweden California - Fresno California - Huntington Beach California - Los Angeles California - Sacramento California - San Diego California - San Francisco Connecticut - Enfield Connecticut - Darien Delaware - Wilmington Florida - Boca Raton Florida - Tampa Bay Illinois - North Chicago Indiana - Fort Wayne Indiana - Indianapolis Louisiana - Baton Rouge Massachusetts - Boston Michigan - Grand Rapids Minnesota - Minneapolis Nebraska - Omaha New Jersey - Orange New York - Westchester North Carolina - Durham Ohio - Akron Ohio - Cleveland Pennsylvania - Erie Tennessee - Knoxville Texas - Dallas-Ft. Worth Wisconsin - Madison ═══ 9.1.1. User Group Introduction ═══ We try to list known OS/2 User Groups whenever we get the information. Of course, we can't be responsible if the information proves to be unreliable -- you, the reader are our best source of this information. And we're learning of more and more OS/2 user groups across the country and even around the world every week. It's been slow, but we have made some contacts and we may be able to exchange information and articles in the future. If you're travelling and have some free time, stop in on one these meetings. If you know of another OS/2 user group, drop us a line and we'll mention them. Remember, we'll list them all in the INF file each time. And thanks! ═══ 9.1.2. Australia - Glen Waverly ═══ Victorian OS/2 Developers SIG Contact: Jon Wright 5 Brighton Street Glen Waverly, Victoria 3150 Australia CompuServe: 100032,776 ═══ 9.1.3. Ontario - Bailieboro ═══ Kawartha Computer Club Contact: Cedric Silvester RR #1 Bailieboro, Ontario Canada KOL 1B0 Note: OS/2 SIG is part of the KCC Phone: BBS -- (705) 748-0023 ═══ 9.1.4. Quebec - Montreal ═══ Montreal OS/2 Users Group Contact: Gilbert Lefebvre IBM Tower 10214 Peloquin Avenue Montreal, QC H2C 2J8 Canada Meets: 7:00pm, 3rd Wednesday Phone: Voice -- (514) 382-9858 (evenings) Netmail: Programmer's Quest 1:167/110 The Montreal OS/2 Users Group held their first meeting on February 17. Gilbert reported that their first meeting had over 70 persons in attendance. They're real happy to see the interest in OS/2. Please note that this group does not expect to meet during June, July and August. ═══ 9.1.5. Saskatchewan - Regina ═══ Regina Saskatchewan OS/2 User Group Contact: Robert Shiplett Cooperators 1920 College Avenue 5W Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 1C4 Canada ═══ 9.1.6. United Kingdom - Gloucestershire ═══ International OS/2 User Group Contact: Mike Gove Barton House Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 2EE UK Phone: - +44-285-641175 Phone: - +44-285-640181 (FAX) Phone: - (UK) 0285-641175 Note: - Also home to OS/2 Solution Centre ═══ 9.1.7. South Africa ═══ OS/2 User Group of South Aftrica P.O. Box 875 Halfway House 1685 South Africa ═══ 9.1.8. Sweden ═══ Swedish OS/2 Users Group The Cruiser BBS, +46-8-704 9438 ═══ 9.1.9. California - Fresno ═══ Fresno OS/2 SIG (Fresno PC Users Group) Contact: Sandeleh Francis (209) 229-0473 Contact: Rod Jessen (209) 323-9849 Meetings at: 1425 Shirley Circle Clovis, CA 93611 Meets: 7:30pm, last Monday Phone BBS -- Wild Side BBS (209) 226-3476 Phone BBS -- Clovis Connection (209) 229-3476 They are a part of the Fresno PC Users group which meets the first Monday of the month at the Ramada Inn at Hwy 41 and Shaw Avenue in Fresno at 7:30pm. ═══ 9.1.10. California - Huntington Beach ═══ Orange Coast IBM PC Users Group OS/2 SIG Contact: Dave Lorenzini 17632 Metzler Lane, Suite 211 Huntington Beach, CA ═══ 9.1.11. California - Los Angeles ═══ Los Angeles OS/2 Users Group Contact: Paul Duncanson 3008 Texas Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93063 Phone: (805) 584-6721 Meets: 3rd Thursday @ 6:30pm IBM 21041 Burbank Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA ═══ 9.1.12. California - Sacramento ═══ Sacramento OS/2 Users Group Contact: Charlie Kotan IBM 400 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA Meets: First Wednesday @ 7:00pm Phone: - (916) 641-4007 CompuServe - 70110,254 ═══ 9.1.13. California - San Diego ═══ San Diego OS/2 User Group Contact - Craig Swanson P.O. Box 13346 La Jolla, CA 92039-3346 Meets - 7pm on 3rd Thursday Meets at -- IBM @ LaJolla 8845 University Center Lane San Diego, CA 92122 Phone - Voice -- (619) 587-5955 Phone - BBS -- (619) 558-9475 The San Diego OS/2 User Group has participated in the San Diego Computer Fair in which over 18,000 people attended over a three day weekend last September. This group has started an OS/2 newsletter with the goal of providing information to not only OS/2 users but also to others who are interested in learning more. Our aim is to also develop the newsletter so that it becomes a community effort among the OS/2 user groups and SIGs. Past meeting topics have included presentations by IBM's Ultimedia for OS/2; Lotus demonstrating beta versions of 1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics for OS/2; an introduction to REXX, demo of the December OS/2 2.1 beta along with Visual REXX; Eddie Miller, one of the authors of "OS/2 2.1 Unleashed" sharing insights into the OS/2 mini-applets; and, local OS/2 developer Jeannine Wolf discussing the OS/2 Config.SYS file and providing tips. ═══ 9.1.14. California - San Francisco ═══ Bay Area OS/2 User Group Contact - Guy Scharf Software Architects, Inc. 2163 Jardin Drive Mountain View, CA 94040 Meets - 4th Monday @ at IBM Mountain View Phone - Voice -- (415) 948-9186 ═══ 9.1.15. Connecticut - Enfield ═══ New England OS/2 User Group Contact: Dave Pinard 145 Candlewood Drive Enfield, CT 06082 Phone: Voice -- (203) 954-1872 Phone: BBS -- (203) 763-1674 ═══ 9.1.16. Connecticut - Darien ═══ Darien OS/2 Users Group Contact: Steven J. Palmer 75 Rings End Road Darien, CT 06820 ═══ 9.1.17. Delaware - Wilmington ═══ Delaware Valley OS/2 Users Group Contact: Chuck Gaglia 1120 Webster Drive Wilmington, DE 19803 ═══ 9.1.18. Florida - Boca Raton ═══ OS/2 Users Group of Boca Raton Contact: Doug Azzarito Meets at: PC Systems Store 2855 S. Congress Avenue Delray Beach, FL Meets on 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm Phone: BBS -- (407) 997-2235 Phone: Voice -- (407) 276-2945 ═══ 9.1.19. Florida - Tampa Bay ═══ Tampa Bay OS/2 User Group Contact: Paul Wylie M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. 777 Alderman Road Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Phone: Voice - (813) 786-4567 Phone: FAX -- (813) 786-4765 Meets: - 1st Tuesday @ 3:00pm. Meets at: IBM 3109 W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard 4th Floor Tampa, FL ═══ 9.1.20. Illinois - Chicago ═══ North Suburban Chicago OS/2 User Group Contact - James R. Schmidt Meets - William M. Mercer, Inc. 1417 Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 Meets - 5.30pm Last Tuesday of each month. Voice -- (708) 317-7405 BBS -- (708) 895-4042 Turned one year old in September. Happy Birthday! ═══ 9.1.21. Indiana - Fort Wayne ═══ Fort Wayne OS/2 User Group Contact - Stephen Gutknecht Fort Wayne, Indiana Meets - Central Soya on Cook Rd. Meets - 7pm, 2nd Tuesday Phone - Voice -- (219) 484-0062 (Bus. Hrs.) Phone - BBS -- (219) 471-3918 ═══ 9.1.22. Indiana - Indianapolis ═══ Indy OS/2 Users Group Contact: Jay Schultz 350 E. New york Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: Voice - (317) 634-8080 ═══ 9.1.23. Louisiana - Baton Rouge ═══ Baton Rouge OS/2 users Group Contact: David Arbour 16726 Bristoe Avnue Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: - (504) 753-9637 ═══ 9.1.24. Massachusetts - Boston ═══ Boston Area OS/2 User's Group (BCS) Contact: Marcia Gulesian (508) 369-3918 Meetings at: IBM Boston Computer Center One Copley Place Boston, MA Meets: 7:00pm, first Tuesday Meeting location is near Back Bay and Copley train stations. From the Mass. Turnpike East, exit 22 (Copley Square Lane) - first left onto Dartmouth St. Next left onto Huntington Ave. Enter COPLEY PLACE PARKING on left. Parking is free when you spend $5 and have your parking ticket validated in any restaurant or store at Copley Place and enter the garage after 5:00pm. ═══ 9.1.25. Michigan - Grand Rapids ═══ West Michigan OS/2 User Group IBM 2900 Charlevoix Dr. SE Grand Rapids, MI ═══ 9.1.26. Minnesota - Minneapolis ═══ Minnesota OS/2 User Group Contact: Marcus Krumpholz IBM Building 650 Third Avenue South Minneapolis, MN Meets last Thursday each month 7:00pm - 10:00pm Voice: (612) 869-7956 BBS: (612) 379-8272 ISV's wishing to do a presentation can contact Marcus Krumpholz at (612) 869-7956. Registrations for meetings are requested and can be done by calling (612) 397-6444 and then asking for course code "OS2". The IBM building is shared with First Bank on Third Avenue south between South Sixth Street and South Seventh Street. Parking is recommended at Northstar Center (1 block west), Pillsbury Center (1.5 blocks north), Hennepin County Government Center (diagonally across street) and Court Park (2 blocks north). ═══ 9.1.27. Nebraska - Omaha ═══ Omaha OS/2 Users Group Contact: Joe Peterson 7724 Fort St. Omaha, NE 68134 ═══ 9.1.28. New Jersey - West Orange ═══ Northern New Jersey OS/2 Users Group Contact: Jason H. Perlow (201) 224-7605 Meetings at: IBM 300 Executive Drive West Orange, NJ Meets: 7:00pm, second Tuesday INFO: Phone: (201) 325-5600 This group is affiliated with the Westchester OS/2 Users Group. ═══ 9.1.29. New York - Westchester ═══ Westchester OS/2 Users Group Contact: Craig Smith (914) 686-9828 Meetings at: IBM 2000 Purchase Street Purchase, NY Meets: 7:00pm, second Tuesday INFO: Phone: (914) 697-6000 Westchester was instrumental in getting IBM's OS/2 featured on the PBS Computer Chronicles show in March. ═══ 9.1.30. North Carolina - Durham ═══ Triangle OS/2 User Group Contact -- Steve Gallagher IBM Building 4800 Falls of The Neuse Road Room 5074 Durham, North Carolina Meets -- 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday Phone -- Voice -- (919) 254-5637 Internet -- sjgalla@vnet.ibm.com ═══ 9.1.31. Ohio - Akron ═══ Northeast Ohio OS/2 User Group IBM 3 Cascade Plaza Akron, Ohio Contact: Gary Smiley Phone: (216) 630-3565 CompuServe: 75600,1737 ═══ 9.1.32. Ohio - Cleveland ═══ Cleveland OS/2 User Group IBM Bond Ct. Building 2nd Fl E. 9th St. Cleveland, Ohio ═══ 9.1.33. Pennsylvania - Erie ═══ Computer Users of Erie OS/2 SIG Contact: Tom Kuklinski 3928 Sassafras Street Erie, PA 16508 Phone: (814) 866-5396 Phone: (814) 898-2905 ═══ 9.1.34. Tennessee - Knoxville ═══ East Tennessee PC User Group OS/2 SIG Contact: Arnold Sprague 808 Fairfield Drive Knoxville, TN 37919-4109 ═══ 9.1.35. Texas - Dallas - Fort Worth ═══ Dallas-Forth Worth OS/2 User Group Contact - Toby Pennycuff CompuServe ID - 70007,6267 1211 Wilshire Blvd. Arlington, TX 76012-4623 Meets at: American Airlines HQ 4255 Amon Carter Blvd. Arlington, TX Meetings - Time and dates not listed. ═══ 9.1.36. Wisconsin - Madison ═══ Madison OS/2 Users Group Contact: Tom Ender or Donn Tolley 2703 Rolling View Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589-3386 ═══ 9.2. OS/2 BBS's ═══ This BBS listing is provided courtesy of David Sichak, Editor of the San Diego Users Group Newsletter. Thanks David! BBS Introduction Australia Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Singapore Switzerland United Kingdom Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Deleware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Jersey Nevada New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington ═══ 9.2.1. BBS Introduction ═══ Well, I am trying to update this file in an expedient way so it doesn't become too stale when I include it in the INF version. But I'm trying to catch up on a backlog. I've got the list in an Rbase for OS/2 database file right now, so all I need to do is figure out a way to create a report that does much of my INF coding for me. Next month, I'd look for a few more additions. And by all means keep Dave Fisher posted on your BBS's if he's still keeping his list up and current. Without him, we wouldn't be able to include as much as we do. This listing is for the BBS junkie in you who needs to have a phone bill treat once in a while . Or bored to death while you're travelling. Our listing is based on a rather extensive listing put together by Dave Fisher of OS/2 type Bulletin Boards. Space limits this month prevent us from listing all the details he has for each BBS, but we've tried to include a couple from every state in the US (Notice and hint to you sysops...not all states are represented.) and a few foreign countries, too. Dave Fisher's list is a compilation of OS/2 BBS's across the world. If you wish to make an addition or correction to his list, he's asked that you please netmail your BBS information to Dave Fisher at LiveNet, 1:170/110@fidonet.org. For the newsletter, I've sorted the in alphabetical order by Country for the international ones and by state for those in the USA to make it easier to find one close to you. His file has other details related to these BBS's but we didn't have room, okay? The file we're using showed that the last update was September 7, 1992. Does anyone know if this list of his is being kept up to date? I hope to expand it more next month; ran out of time. But I've got his list in a database right now and I'll be able to code that list a lot easier next month. Hope you find this inclusion useful. Large phone bills are not my fault...!!! ═══ 9.2.2. Australia ═══ Graham Stair 3M Australia +61-2-498-9184 Australia Alan Salmon PC User's Group +61-6-259-1244 Australia Norbert Fuerst The Styrian OS/2 Jumbo +43-316-673237 Australia Bill Bolton Software Tools Mail Exc +61-2-449-2618 Australia Bill Bolton Software Tools Mail Exc +61-2-449-9477 Australia Felix Tsang Programmer's BBS +61-2-875-1296 Australia Alan Salmon PC User's Group +61-6-259-1244 Australia Ian Watson OZ-Share OS/2 BBS +61-7-398-3759 Australia ═══ 9.2.3. Belgium ═══ Bas Heijermans Moving Sound OS/2 BBS +32-3-3850748 Belgium Benoit HUON Os/2 MANiA BELGIUM +32-2-3872021 Belgium Danny Bruggeman Hellfire +32-2-7515203 Belgium Bas Heijermans Moving Sound OS/2 BBS +32-3-3850748 Belgium ═══ 9.2.4. Canada ═══ Kevin Lowey Univ. of Saskatchewan (306) 966-4857 Canada Evan Smith ECS Net (403) 253-5996 Canada Ian Evans Baudeville BBS (416) 283-0114 Canada Herbert Tsui BBS Council (604) 275-6883 Canada Jerry Stevens The Locutory (613) 722-0489 Canada ═══ 9.2.5. Denmark ═══ Rene Carlsen OS/2 Task and FrontDoor H +45-98451070 Denmark Jorgen Ollgaard Josti-BBS +45-47-380120 Denmark Jorgen Ollgaard Josti-BBS +45-47-380524 Denmark ═══ 9.2.6. France ═══ Emmanuel Sandorfi Os/2 MANiA (Help Maximu +33-164-090460 France ═══ 9.2.7. Germany ═══ Ulrich Roeding BOX/2 +49-89-6019677 Germany Peter Kaszanics APOLONIA +49-201-200381 Germany Peter Kaszanics APOLONIA +49-201-200382 Germany Peter Plischka IBM Mailbox +49-201-210744 Germany Peter Kaszanics APOLONIA +49-201-237509 Germany Peter Plischka IBM Mailbox +49-201-295181 Germany Chris Leuder Zaphod BBS +49-228-229147 Germany Chris Leuder Zaphod BBS +49-228-262894 Germany Kalle Braun Terrania City +49-228-317752 Germany Oliver Lass LRZ-System +49-228-331214 Germany Oliver Lass LRZ-System +49-228-334372 Germany Harald Kipp OS/2 Point +49-234-9279222 Germany Karlheinz Kissel The_File_Store +49-6106-22266 Germany Juergen Berger JERRY'S OS/2-BBS +49-6134-26563 Germany Oliver Schwabedissen MoonFlower +49-6145-31602 Germany Richard Clement OS/2 Express +49-6183-74270 Germany Michael Breukel PC Softbox OS/2 +49-6196-27799 Germany Romeo Bernreuther CCWN-BOX +49-7151-68434 Germany Markus Noller Second Source +49-7191-56267 Germany Juergen Fritz CheckPoint OS/2 +49-7331-69116 Germany Thomas Tegel The CAT +49-7971-72446 Germany ═══ 9.2.8. Italy ═══ Luigi Ravina Italy Network +39-11-8180069 Italy Roberto Sonzogni Runnin' with The Devil +39-363-303567 Italy Pasquale Cantiello FastForward BBS +39-823-812099 Italy ═══ 9.2.9. Netherlands ═══ Peter Smink BBS The Experiment +31-1150-15245 Netherlands Dave Jones The TJD Support BBS +31-1720-38558 Netherlands Joop Mellaart INFOBOARD +31-4752-6200 Netherlands Marcel Stikkelman PC-Square +31-79-424107 Netherlands ═══ 9.2.10. Norway ═══ Terje Slydahl PerlePorten +47-83-33003 Norway ═══ 9.2.11. Singapore ═══ Ivan Leong Miqas/2 Singapore +65-755-6463 Singapore ═══ 9.2.12. Switzerland ═══ Alex Wyss Gepard's Oracle Zuerich +41-1-3637037 Switzerland Michael Buenter MICS OS/2 Paradise +41-41-538607 Switzerland Ernesto Hagmann PC-Info +41-61-9412204 Switzerland ═══ 9.2.13. United Kingdom ═══ Mike Gove MonuSci BBS +44-0-454-633197 United Kingdom Phil Tuck The TJD Support BBS +44-535-665345 United Kingdom ═══ 9.2.14. Arizona ═══ Mike Mahoney Emerald Isle, The (602) 749-8638 Arizona Frank Ward Encounter, The (602) 892-1853 Arizona ═══ 9.2.15. California ═══ Patrick O'Riva AsmLang and OS/2 (408) 259-2223 California Michael Cummings Zzyzx Road OS/2 BBS (619) 579-0135 El Cajon, California Craig Swanson OS/2 Connection (619) 558-9475 San Diego, California Chuck Gilmore Magnum BBS (805) 582-9306 California Michael Nelson SeaHunt BBS (415) 431-0227 California Michael Nelson SeaHunt BBS (415) 431-0473 California ═══ 9.2.16. Colorado ═══ William Herrera Cuerna Verde (719) 545-8572 Colorado Randy Edwards Socialism OnLine! (719) 392-7781 Colorado OS/2 BBS Denver (303)755-6859 Colorado OS/2 Source Denver (303)744-0373 Colorado ═══ 9.2.17. Connecticut ═══ Chris Regan Storm Front - OS/2, The (203) 234-0824 Connecticut Felix Tang Excelsior, The (203) 466-1826 Connecticut Emmitt Dove Fernwood (203) 483-0348 Connecticut Steve Lesner Bullet BBS (203) 322-4135 Connecticut Steve Lesner Bullet BBS (203) 329-2972 Connecticut Rob Schmaling Caladan (203) 622-4740 Connecticut Don Dawson Treasure Island (203) 791-8532 Connecticut Bob Morris Ascii Neighborhood (203) 932-6236 Connecticut Bob Morris Ascii Neighborhood (203) 934-9852 Connecticut ═══ 9.2.18. Deleware ═══ John Tarbox Singer Bear BBS (302) 984-2238 Deleware Scott Street Space Station Alpha (302) 653-1458 Deleware ═══ 9.2.19. Florida ═══ Mark Wheeler SandDollar, The (407) 784-4507 Florida Rusty Plant The 19th Hole (904) 479-8538 Pensacola, Florida Don Bauer OS2 Exchange (904) 739-2445 Florida Chris Wolcott The Outer Limits (904) 934-1141 Gulf Breeze, Florida Kathy Todd The Apothecary's Archives (904) 934-3146 Gulf Breeze, Florida Richard Todd The Disintegrated Circuit OS/2 (904) 934-9796 Gulf Breeze, Florida ═══ 9.2.20. Georgia ═══ IBM IBM National Support Ce (404) 835-6600 Georgia IBM IBM National Support Ce (404) 835-5300 Georgia Ed June Information Overload (404) 471-1549 Georgia ═══ 9.2.21. Hawaii ═══ Craig Oshiro Ghostcomm Image Gallery (808) 456-8510 Hawaii ═══ 9.2.22. Illinois ═══ Bill Cook GREATER CHICAGO Online! (708) 895-4042 Illinois Bogie Bugsalewicz I CAN! BBS (312) 736-7434 Illinois ═══ 9.2.23. Indiana ═══ Mike Phillips Catacombs, The (317) 525-7164 Indiana Jay Tipton Play Board, The (219) 744-4908 Indiana ═══ 9.2.24. Kansas ═══ Troy Majors Byte Bus, The (316) 683-1433 Kansas ═══ 9.2.25. Louisiana ═══ Stan Brohn HelpNet of Baton Rouge (504) 273-3116 Louisiana Jim Sterrett Padded Cell BBS, The (504) 340-7027 Louisiana ═══ 9.2.26. Maryland ═══ James Chance Last Relay, The (410) 793-3829 Maryland ═══ 9.2.27. Michigan ═══ Dave Shoff Cornerstone BBS, The (616) 465-4611 Michigan ═══ 9.2.28. Minnesota ═══ Brady Flowers Oberon Software (507) 388-1154 Minnesota ═══ 9.2.29. Missouri ═══ Woody Sturges OS/2 Woodmeister, The (314) 446-0016 Missouri ═══ 9.2.30. New Jersey ═══ Bob Germer Capital City BBS (609) 386-1989 New Jersey Mike Fuchs Dog's Breakfast, The (908) 506-0472 New Jersey ═══ 9.2.31. Nevada ═══ Kerry Flint Caddis OS/2 BBS (702) 453-6687 Nevada Dennis Conley Communitel OS/2 BBS (702) 399-0486 Nevada ═══ 9.2.32. New York ═══ Mikel Beck Kind Diamond's Realm (516) 736-3403 New York ═══ 9.2.33. North Carolina ═══ Thomas Bradford Backdoor BBS (919) 799-0923 North Carolina Richard Lee Psychotronic BBS (919) 286-7738 North Carolina ═══ 9.2.34. Ohio ═══ Mark Lehrer Akron Anomoly, The (216) 688-6383 Ohio ═══ 9.2.35. Oklahoma ═══ Bill Schnell Asylum BBS, The (918) 832-1462 Oklahoma Scott Dickason BBS/2 (918) 743-1562 Oklahoma ═══ 9.2.36. Oregon ═══ Bill Taylor Integrated Media Servic (503) 667-2649 Oregon Paul Breedlove Multi-Net (503) 883-8197 Oregon ═══ 9.2.37. Pennsylvania ═══ Louis F. Ursini Quantum Leap (215) 967-9018 Pennsylvania Ed Barboni System-2 RBBS (215) 631-0685 Pennsylvania ═══ 9.2.38. South Carolina ═══ Paul Beverly PMSC OnLine Resource (803) 735-6101 South Carolina ═══ 9.2.39. Tennessee ═══ Operand BBS Lonnie Wall (901) 753-3738 Tennessee Edward Owens Looking Glass, The (901) 872-4386 Tennessee ═══ 9.2.40. Texas ═══ Robert McA Live-Wire (214) 307-8119 Texas Doug Palmer Rock BBS, The (512) 654-9792 Texas David Dozier Roach Coach, The (713) 343-0942 Texas Ken Rucker RucK's Place/2 (817) 485-8042 Texas ═══ 9.2.41. Virginia ═══ Pete Norloff OS/2 Shareware (703) 385-4325 Virginia Pete Norloff OS/2 Shareware (703) 385-0931 Virginia Bill Andrus Systems Exchange, The (703) 323-7654 Virginia Joe Salemi Max's Doghouse (703) 548-7849 Virginia ═══ 9.2.42. Washington ═══ Adolph Weidanz The Gold Pegasus BBS Running Maximus/Binkley using OS/2 Versions (206) 698-8404 Fidonet: 1:350/35 Eznet: 255:1206/101 and 0 Bremerton, Washington LeRoy DeVries Sno-Valley Software Exc (206) 880-6575 Washington Rodney Lorimor Gecko Control (509) 244-0944 Washington Todd Riches Alternate Reality (206) 557-9258 Washington ═══ 9.3. OS/2 Internet Sites ═══ Information on Internet resources supporting OS/2. Mailing Lists FTP Sites Usenet Sites and Newsgroups This list is maintained by Dale Hackemeyer. Please e-mail any additions or corrections you might have to him at uc545502@mizzou1.missouri.edu. ═══ 9.3.1. Electronic Mailing Lists ═══ OS/2 Related mailing lists ┌─────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │BITNET Address: │Internet Address: │About the list... │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │JPSOFT@IRISHVMA │jpsoft@vma.cc.nd.edu │Discussion of JP Software │ │ │ │products (4OS2, 4DOS). Subscribe │ │ │ │by sending a message to │ │ │ │LISTSERV@xxx (where xxx is the │ │ │ │part of the list address after │ │ │ │the @) with SUB JPSOFT name │ │ │ │(where name is your first and │ │ │ │last name). │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │OS2@BLEKUL11 │os2@cc1.kulueven.ac.be │Moderated OS/2 discussion. │ │ │ │Subscribe by sending a message to│ │ │ │LISTSERV@xxx (where xxx is the │ │ │ │part of the list address after │ │ │ │the @) with SUB OS2 name (where │ │ │ │name is your first and last │ │ │ │name). │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │OS2-L@HEARN │os2-l@nic.surfnet.nl │OS/2 discussion. Subscribe by │ │ │ │sending a message to LISTSERV@xxx│ │ │ │(where xxx is the part of the │ │ │ │list address after the @) with │ │ │ │SUB OS2-L name (where name is │ │ │ │your first and last name). │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │OS2USERS@MCGILL1 │os2users@vm1.mcgill.ca │OS/2 users discussion. Subscribe │ │ │ │by sending a message to │ │ │ │LISTSERV@xxx (where xxx is the │ │ │ │part of the list address after │ │ │ │the @) with SUB OS2USERS name │ │ │ │(where name is your first and │ │ │ │last name). │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │SASOS2-L@UNCVM1 │sasos2-l@uncvm1.oit.unc.edu │RTPNC SAS/OS2 user group list. │ │ │ │This list doesn't allow automatic│ │ │ │subscriptions. You may send a │ │ │ │message requesting to be added to│ │ │ │LISTSERV@xxx (where xxx is the │ │ │ │part of the list address after │ │ │ │the @) with SUB UTOS2-L name │ │ │ │(where name is your first and │ │ │ │last name). This message will be │ │ │ │forwarded to the maintainers of │ │ │ │the group who can grant │ │ │ │subscriptions. │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │UTOS2-L@UTKVM1 │utos2-l@utkvm1.utk.edu │Discussion of OS/2 at UTK. │ │ │ │Subscribe by sending a message to│ │ │ │LISTSERV@xxx (where xxx is the │ │ │ │part of the list address after │ │ │ │the @) with SUB UTOS2-L name │ │ │ │(where name is your first and │ │ │ │last name). │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │N/A │mmos2@knex.via.mind.ORG │Discussion group dealing with │ │ │ │multimedia aspects of OS/2. To │ │ │ │subscribe to the digest version, │ │ │ │send email to │ │ │ │Mail-Server@knex.via.mind.ORG │ │ │ │with SUBSCRIBE Mmos2-L firstname │ │ │ │lastname in the BODY of the mail.│ │ │ │To subscribe to the bounce │ │ │ │version, send email to │ │ │ │Mail-Server@knex.via.mind.ORG │ │ │ │with SUBSCRIBE Mmos2-Digest │ │ │ │firstname lastname in the BODY of│ │ │ │the mail. │ └─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ About electronic mailing lists. Electronic "mailing lists" are large group discussions held via electronic mail (e-mail). These lists require that you have either BITNET or Internet e-mail access (which one depends on the particular list). Generally the list works by receiving mail from a list participant, and then sending a copy of that message to all the people subscribed to the list. On very active mailing lists this can result in a deluge of e-mail. Some lists avoid this problem by having "digests", where each day all the messages sent to the list are saved and then sent out in a single large piece of e-mail at night. Generally a mailing list has two e-mail addresses: the mailing list proper, and an administrative address to handle subscriptions and cancellations. Never send requests to subscribe or unsubscribe to the main address unless you can find no other way to bring your problem to attention. For more information, please ask you site administrator or sysop. ═══ 9.3.2. FTP Sites ═══ OS/2 related FTP sites: ┌──────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │NAME: │IP ADDRESS: │Directory & Notes: │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp-os2.nmsu.edu │ │/os2 (mirror of cdrom.com) │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp-os2.cdrom.com │ │/os2 (mirror of ftp-os2.nmsu.edu)│ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │software.watson.ibm.com │ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │mtsg.ubc.ca │ │/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │luga.latrobe.edu.au │ │/pub/os2 (mirror of cdrom.com) │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │msdos.archive.umich.edu │ │/msdos/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │funic.funet.fi │ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.ieee.org │ │/pub/fidonet/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │boombox.micro.umn.edu │ │/pub/gopher/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.3com.com │ │/adaptors/drivers │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.germany.eu.net │ │/pub/comp/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.luth.se │ │/pub/pc/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.uni-kl.de │ │/pub/pc/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.uni-stuttgart.de │ │/pub/soft/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.usask.ca │ │/pub/archives/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ifcss.org │ │/software/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │luga.latrobe.edu.au │ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karls│ │/pub/lisp/clisp/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │mcafee.com │ │/pub/antivirus │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │mtsg.ubc.ca │ │/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │nic.switch.ch │ │/mirrors/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │novell.com │ │/netwire/novfiles/client.kit/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │plaza.aarnet.edu.au │ │/micros/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │rhino.microsoft.com │ │/LANMan/OS2xBeta │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │rs3.hrz.th-darmstadt.de │ │/pub/machines/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │software.watson.ibm.com │ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │sprite.cica.indiana.edu │ │/pub/pc/borland/c/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │src.doc.ic.ac.uk │ │/computing/systems/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de│ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │tethys.rz.uni-osnabrueck.d│ │/pub/os2 │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │world.std.com │ │/src/os2 │ └──────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ Other FTP sites of interest ┌──────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │NAME: │IP ADDRESS: │NOTES: │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │rtfm.mit.edu │ │FAQ lists │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │cs.uwp.edu │ │Music related stuff │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │wuarchive.wustl.edu │ │Lots of other stuff │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │saffron.inset.com │ │Sounds (various formats) │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │sounds.sdsu.edu │ │Sounds (.au format) │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │watsun.cc.columbia.edu │ │/kermit/b │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │prep.ai.mit.edu │ │/pub/gnu │ ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │ftp.uu.net │ │/usenet (e.g.) │ └──────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ About FTP. FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol" and is the standard protocol on the Internet for transfering files. With a fast, direct internet connection, download speeds can approach 32Kbs under light network load. The sites listed allow "anonymous" logons. When prompted for a User name when logging in, enter ANONYMOUS and then enter your e-mail address as your password. This assists the administators at the remote site in tracking usage of the site. Don't forget that you're downloading from someone else's computer, someone who has to pay for and use that computer. Given the global reach of the internet, even though you may be downloading at 4am, it could be noon at the site you're downloading from. To avoid putting more of a load on a machine someone may depend on for work during the day, try to only download sometime other than 9-5, remote time. The last couple of letters in the remote sites address can help you determine where your downloading from. The last 2 to 3 letters indicate the location of the site: .de Germany .au Australia .ca Canada .fi Finland .uk United Kingdom ═══ 9.3.3. Usenet News ═══ NNTP usenet servers: ┌────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────────────────────────────┐ │NAME: │IP ADDRESS: │NOTES: │ ├────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────────────────────────────┤ │mont.cs.missouri.edu │ │Local to University of Missouri │ ├────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────────────────────────────┤ │sol.ctr.columbia.edu │ │Huge place. Takes a long time │ ├────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────────────────────────────┤ │umd5.umd.edu │ │No posting allowed as guest │ ├────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────────────────────────────┤ │raven.alaska.edu │ │No posting allowed as guest │ └────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────────────────────────────┘ These OS/2 newsgroups are available: comp.os.os2.multimedia For information on OS/2 multimedia features, including MMPM/2 and Ultimotion. comp.os.os2.setup For all questions relating to setup, installation, and driver support under OS/2. comp.os.os2.bugs For the discussion and reporting of OS/2 bugs (flaws). comp.os.os2.advocacy For the discussion of OS/2 compared with other products, marketing, and "politics." comp.os.os2.networking For any OS/2 questions dealing with networking. comp.os.os2.ver1x For any OS/2 questions dealing with OS/2 versions prior to OS/2 2.0. comp.os.os2.programmer.porting For talk about porting software from other environments to OS/2. comp.os.os2.programmer.misc For discussion of any other OS/2 programming issues. comp.os.os2.apps Discusses DOS, Windows, and OS/2 applications running under OS/2. comp.os.os2.announce Carries important OS/2 announcements. This newsgroup is moderated -- you cannot ask a question here. comp.binaries.os2 If you do not have ftp access you can obtain OS/2 software using this newsgroup. This newsgroup is also moderated. comp.os.os2.beta For discussion of beta releases of OS/2 (versions of OS/2 that are released for testing purposes by IBM and that you cannot buy in stores). comp.os.os2.misc For general OS/2 discussion. Post here only if none of the above categories fits. ═══ 10. From the Wire ═══ A selection of messages about OS/2 seen fleeting across the wires on Fidonet and Internet. Borland Pascal does OS/2 IBM OS/2 DAP now has Internet mailbox Fidonet's family of OS/2 ═══ 10.1. Borland Pascal does OS/2 ═══ From the Os2prog message area. From: Michael Zimmermann Subj: Borland-Pascal goes OS/2 Hi everybody, The Borland-Pascal compiler can create OS/2-applications !!! The 'ct - magazine fuer computertechnik' (a german computer magazine) created a patch for the BP-compiler. Now it can produce 16-bit OS/2-programs with multi-thread- and PM-support. Because the BP-compiler can't create 32-bit-code you simply can't use the 32-bit capacities of OS/2. But you can easily port your DOS-apps to run under OS/2 without a VDM!!! c't magazin fuer computertechnik Ausgabe 11/93 (edition 11/93, November) Pages 240 ff Address of the magazine: ct - Magazin fuer Computertechnik Postfach 61 04 07 D-30604 Hannover, Germany Internet: ct@ix.de You can download the patch via ftp (with some sample-progs): ftp.uni-paderborn.de look out for file: /ct/ct93/ct9311.zip it will be available in some days... Michael Zimmermann MiZimm@POOL.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.De ═══ 10.2. IBM OS/2 DAP now has Internet mailbox ═══ From the comp.os.os2.announce newsgroup. From: ronb@vnet.ibm.com Subj: IBM OS/2 DAP now has Internet mailbox IBM announces the PS (Personal Software, which includes DOS, OS/2 and LAN Systems) Worldwide Developer Assistance Program mailbox for users of the Internet. If you have a question about our program or would like to join, please write to us at WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM.   ═══ 10.3. Fidonet's family of OS/2 ═══ From the Os2 message area. From: Jim Gilliland (Fido OS2 moderator) Subj: Fidonet's family of OS/2 [moderator hat on] This echo (OS2) is for the discussion of OS/2 and its native applications. It is one of the busiest of all of the Fidonet echos. Legitimate topics for discussion here are OS/2 itself, OS/2 applications, OS/2 troubleshooting, OS/2 marketing, OS/2 in the press, the future of OS/2, etc. Over the past five years, certain topics have generated enough interest to require their own area for discussion. As a result, this echo has gone from a single conference to a family of related conferences. The topics that have been moved to other conferences (described below) should NOT be discussed in this conference. Instead, please make sure that you use the most appropriate conference for the topic that you wish to discuss. OS2DOS is for the discussion of DOS and Windows software running under OS/2. OS2HW is for the discussion of hardware compatibility with OS/2. This can include specific systems, SCSI adapters and devices, video systems and monitors, sound boards, CD ROMS, tape backup systems, etc. OS2BBS is for the discussion of Bulletin Board Systems running natively under OS/2. A related conference, OS2DOSBBS, is for discussion of DOS-based BBSs running under OS/2. OS2LAN is for the discussion of OS/2 in Local Area Network environments. OS2PROG is for the discussion of application development under OS/2 and tools for such development. TeamOS2 is for the discussion of grass roots promotion of OS/2 by individuals (both within and outside IBM) and OS/2 user groups. OS-DEBATE is for comparing the virtues of various operating systems, including OS/2, DOS, Windows, NT, AmigaDOS, Unix, TRSDOS, VMS, MVS, and whatever other OSs you can think of to compare. Again, please use the most appropriate echo for the topic that you wish to discuss. If your local system does not carry all of these echos, ask the syop to add them for you. Thanks to Woody Sturges' terrific job as MMOUG sysop, we have all these message areas and MORE! Be sure to it check out! Ed.    ═══ 11. From the Editor ═══ Well, first off I owe everyone an apology. Well, maybe a couple apologies. After my presentation at last month's meeting I said I'd have an article on how I do the newsletter and how to your own .INF files. Well, I simply haven't had the time to sit down and write a good article on it. So, it looks like that'll have to wait at least until December. Next, Lotus won't be able to come to our meeting this month. They had a conflict and said they'd come if we changed out meeting date for them. Well, the last time we changed our meeting date, everything was a mess. No more! Our own Phillip Wilson will be talking about OS/2 and the Local Area Network, including Novell, Lan Server, Lan Manager 1.3, and others. We'd wanted Phillip to do this for some time now, so it should be an informative meeting! Finally, things are late again. But this time it wasn't (entirely) my fault! On the second of this month Phillip told me to hold the presses while he figured out what was going on with Lotus. So I've had to wait until we got that figured out. Hopefully we can get Lotus to come in the near future and tell us about SmartSuite. Be sure and let them know you'd like to see them at our meeting! Also, we need some ideas for a Christmas meeting/party. What do YOU think we should do? Cake and cookies? A little punch to go with it? Or possibly (and my favorite) a kegger sort of thing? Let us know! Leave a message on the BBS to Phillip wilson or Diane Kehl. See you at the meeting! Dale Hackemeyer Editor, MMOUG Newsletter OS/2 Woodmeister BBS (1:289/27) Internet: uc545502@mizzou1.missouri.edu